The following shows rankings of International Journal of Medical Sciences and other journals (Subject Area: Medicine, Subject Category: Medicine miscellaneous, Year: 2007, order by SJR scores) according to SCImago:
Position Journal
163 International Journal of Medical Sciences
164 American Journal of Preventive Medicine
165 Oncology Research
166 BMC Endocrine Disorders
167 Keio Journal of Medicine
168 Journal of experimental therapeutics & oncology
169 Clinical Lymphoma
170 Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology
171 Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment
172 Novartis Foundation symposium
173 Clinical breast cancer
174 BMC Clinical Pharmacology
175 Annals of epidemiology
176 Metal ions in biological systems
177 Obesity
178 BioScience
179 QJM - Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians
180 American Journal of Managed Care
181 Pediatric Blood and Cancer
182 BMC neurology [electronic resource]
183 Journal of Physical Chemistry B
184 Clin Med Res
185 The American journal of managed care
186 Current Medical Research and Opinion
187 Comparative Hepatology
188 Biotechnology annual review
189 Addiction Biology
190 Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine
191 BMC Physiology
192 Journal of Catalysis
193 The AAPS journal [electronic resource].
194 Current treatment options in oncology
195 BMC Gastroenterology
196 Cancer Journal
197 Journal of Neuro-Oncology
198 Leukemia and Lymphoma
199 Preventive Medicine
200 Current oncology reports
201 International Journal of Legal Medicine
202 Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
203 Nuclear Medicine and Biology
204 Clinical Nutrition
205 Heart Fail Monit
206 Addiction
207 International Journal of Hyperthermia
208 Medical Clinics of North America
209 Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN
210 Current hematology reports
211 Journal of Ecology
212 Progress in medicinal chemistry
213 Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics
214 Sub-cellular biochemistry
215 Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology
216 Gastric Cancer
217 Cancer Detection and Prevention
218 BMC Medical Research Methodology
219 British Journal of Nutrition
220 Current allergy and asthma reports
221 European Journal of Cancer Prevention
222 Clinical Lymphoma and Myeloma
223 Drug and Alcohol Dependence
224 Weekly epidemiological record. Releve epidemiologique hebdomadaire. World Health Organization
225 Oncology Reports
226 Inorganic Chemistry
227 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
228 Current gastroenterology reports
229 Limnology and Oceanography
230 Current rheumatology reports
231 Experimental Diabesity Research
232 Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source
233 Journal of Plant Physiology
234 Molecular Diagnosis
235 Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals
236 BMC pharmacology [electronic resource]
237 Current neurology and neuroscience reports
238 Clinical trials (London, England)
239 Biorheology
240 Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis
241 BMC Blood Disorders
242 American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials
243 Carbon
244 Biotechnology journal.
245 Developments in ophthalmology
246 Danish Medical Bulletin
247 Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology
248 General Hospital Psychiatry
249 Connecticut law review.
250 Marine Chemistry
251 Journal of Clinical Densitometry
252 International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
253 Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine
254 Oecologia
255 Medical Journal of Australia
256 Animal health research reviews / Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases
257 Anticancer Research
258 Archives of Medical Research
Data obtained from SCImago on Nov. 25, 2008.